Your Voice Matters
Triathlon in Australia needs saving from Triathlon Australia.
The following list is from the Sports Australia and AIS, online directors learning module.
The list defines what a National Sporting Organisation (NOS) Board is expected to do.
Let’s see what Triathlon Australia Members think. Read through the list and answer Yes or No to whether you think the TA Board Directors are carrying out their obligations.
This voting will be open until 5pm Friday 21 January. It is anonymous and not contrived or manipulated as TA voting has been suggested to be.
What a NSO Board Director is expected to do
Do you think the TA Board Directors carry out their duties….?
Voting is now complete - but below is what the TA Board Directors are expected to do.
Protect TA organisation by complying with the law
Develop TA's vision and strategy
Monitor and evaluate the strategic performance of TA
Ensure stakeholders are engaged
Look to the future
Protect and maintain the integrity of TA
Monitor the TA's financial health and performance
Implement and maintain a robust and systemic risk management framework
Be accountable and transparent
Make difficult decisions and include those affected in the decision-making
Appoint, evaluate, guide and support the CEO
Ensure the policies and processes are in place to protect TA from financial, legal and reputational damage
Set the culture for TA and model the values and behaviours that are consistent with these.